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Rock Islands Southern Lagoon


"To maintain the spectacular beauty and the abundant and diverse natural, cultural and historical resources of the Rock Islands Southern Lagoon, so that it can continue to be used and enjoyed by current and future generations of the people of Koror and Palau and remain a central part of our culture and lifestyle, and for the current and future enjoyment of the world."

The Rock Island Southern Lagoon (RISL) is an extremely important area for Palau, supporting biodiversity, fisheries, tourism and cultural values. Within the RISL are two PAN sites, Ngerumkaol and Ngerukuid. The area has been recognized as having outstanding global value, through the 2012 inscription as a United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage site. The RISL includes 52 marine lakes, one of the most unique habitats in the world, the site is home to all the major megafauna:

Culturally it is an outstanding example of human interaction in a precarious environment. It is the vision of this Management Plan to maintain these abundant and diverse natural, cultural and historical resources, so they can continue to be used and enjoyed by the community, and so that these values remain strong into the future. The area is an internationally renowned tourist destination, and as such underpins the nation’s economy. It is important that the people of Palau benefit from the revenue generated from such use of the area, and that all management is designed with the community in mind.


To provide for the sustainable use and conservation of the natural, cultural and historical resources of the Rock Island Southern Lagoon. Five goals to achieve this overarching goal are:

Resources: Koror State Government. 2012. Rock Islands Southern Lagoon Management Plan 2012-2016 | Olkeriil, Ilebrang 2012. The Rock Island Southern Lagoon as nominated by the Republic of Palau for inscription on the World Heritage List, Koror State Government.