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Ongedechuul Conservation Areas


"By 2031 effective management of Ongedechuul System of Conservation Areas maintains the natural health and beauty of the environment which promotes positive cultural practices and sustainable livelihoods that unite the people of Ngardmau to work together for the benefit of our children today, tomorrow and the future generations."


Ngardmau’s Ongedechuul System of Conservation Areas Ecosystem Based Management Plan calls for educational campaigns, and signs and is most specific about monitoring tree diversity and presence and absence of seedlings using a plot method by the fifth year.  The plan calls for the development of educational and monitoring programs and the development of educational material. A budget for professional services, technical assistance and publication is provided. Technical assistance is needed to produce annual work plans, design programs, mentoring, and facilitation. It is envisaged that implementation of the Management Plan will continue to need assistance from support agencies and NGOs.

Ngardmau WaterfallThe plan states that the development of education and awareness programs, monitoring plans, enforcement and surveillance, and maintenance and on-the-ground activities will continue to rely on the experience of other organizations. Periodical reviews and performance or management audits, and reporting to satisfy donor agencies and PAN, is an area where capacity development will take a longer time for the conservation areas management personnel to acquire. Assistance will be most needed in this area.  The publication budget includes costs to design, print and distribution of educational messages, general public information announcements, law enforcement announcements, educational campaigns, and signs.

Ngardmau’s Ongedechuul System of Conservation Areas Ecosystem Based Management Plan states that the site is resilient to some threats associated with climate change. The Diong Era Did River is a protected public water source supplied by a multiple rivers drainage system that is buffered from human-induced stresses and provides community resilience to climate change induced droughts. Multiple watersheds drain into Ngermasech, so no single activity on land can negatively impact the entire mangrove site.

The mangroves and marine habitats are intact and have high populations of such species as sea cucumbers, serving as a natural refuge. There is high exposure to sea level rise, but no development, so the mangrove may expand with sea level rise. The land adjacent to the mangrove is steep with limited access.  Climate Change ranked as a high threat because intense rainfall could cause increased sedimentation, and sea level rise could disturb the ecosystems.  Fire is a priority threat because Ngerchelchuus has been burned and the vegetation and soils are sensitive to repeated burns. There is burning along the edges of the Taki Conservation Area.

Resources: Ngardmau Conservation Board and Palau Conservation Society. 2011. Ongedechuul System of Conservation Areas Ecosystem Based Management Plan. 2011- 2016.